Cycling Germany Part 1 (RaD Ep 9): Heidelberg to Spay

RaD Episode 9: Cycle Touring in Germany
Great weather and fantastic, flat riding as we continue our ride up the Rhine River in Germany! We took a recommendation from a friend and diverted away from the Rhine for one day and cycled on the Bergstrasse mountain road between Heidelberg and Darmstadt. It guided you through old country towns and beautiful hillside vineyards.

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++Wait, what’s RaD?: Ryan And Darin (that’s us! yes…we both have boy names…is that weird?). Get it? …r And d…

++The Adventure: riding our bikes around a bunch of different places in this world for a year. woohoooo

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Awesome tunes from Epidemic Sound: “Call My Name” by BLAEKER; “Ascending” by Brendon Moeller

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